Archive for February, 2018

Miami Vice: Final Report

Out of all of the seasons of Miami Vice i watched, Seasons 1-3 are my favorite seasons. Seasons 4 and 5 however, are my least favorite seasons.

The only episode I enjoyed from Season 5 was Freefall. (Series Finale) The rest of the episodes from Season 4 and Season 5 were either okay, or not great at all.

Too Much, Too Late (from Season 5) is the only episode I am not going to watch again due to its content. (NBC refused to air it due to the content. And they were right about the content.)

Missing Hours from Season 4, made no sense. It wasn’t really about Miami Vice and it was more about the paranormal.. James Brown being an alien.. and that Peanut Butter dream sequence. This is where it jumped the shark for me.

The Sonny Burnett arc was okay, but there was consequences once it concluded. And Sonny Crockett wasn’t the same after that.

Overall, a good ending to a series with the series finale Freefall. And now I leave you with the words that started it all for the series and ended it with them as well.

Crockett: Hey, Tubbs. You ever consider a career in southern law enforcement?

Tubbs: Maybe. Maybe.


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