Archive for August, 2018

TV Talk: Day 33

TV Show: Supernatural: The Animation

Aired: 2011

About: Same plot as the live action show but with some differences.

Would I recommend: Yes, if you are a fan of the live action show and want to see what Supernatural is like in anime form. You can find it on DVD. There is the Region 1 DVD and there is also a Japanese Version of the DVD.

Other Info: The anime has a happier ending than the live action show. Since the anime is only a mix of Season 1 and Season 2.

Extra Info: If you are interested to know, the English Dub has Jared voicing Sam for the whole season, while Jensen only voices Dean for the final two episodes. A different actor in the English Dub voices Dean from episodes 1-20. The Japanese Dub does not change the voice actors. There are also anime original episodes, and a episode based on the Supernatural comic book. Most of the original episodes from the live action show are renamed and changed slightly, so if you watch any of the episodes you will notice the differences between the live action show and the anime itself.

Oh and if you have the Region 1 DVD of Supernatural: The Animation you get to see Jared or Jensen, or both of them give the introduction for each episode. Also, if you have the Region 1 DVD you can hear Carry on wayward son by Kansas (Instrumental on the Menu Selection Screen and part of the song itself in the end credits for each episode) There is also a cover version of the song but I think that is only if you own the Japanese Version of the DVD. I could be wrong though but then again, who knows.


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