TV Talk: Day 29
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on April 20, 2018
Tv show: Knight Rider
Aired: September 26th, 1982 – April 4th, 1986
About: Michael Knight (Who was once Michael Long before he nearly got killed and had to have his face reconstructed) is a lone crusader fighting crime alongside a car named KITT who talks and helps out in any situation.
Would I recommend: Yes, I would. That theme song will get stuck in your head all day long.
Other Info: There was a spin off, three tv films, and two tv series.
Miami Vice: Favorite Songs?
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on March 20, 2018
Since there is alot to choose from I’m just going to list my favorites.
- In The Air Tonight – Phil Collins
- Bad Attitude/New Girl Now – Honeymoon Suite (Tie)
- In The Night/Voices – Russ Ballard (Tie)
- Go Insane – Lindsey Buckingham
- Eminence Front – The Who
- You Belong to the City/Smuggler’s Blues – Glenn Frey (Tie)
- Heartbeat – Red 7
- Girls with Guns/Dangerous Game – Tommy Shaw (Tie)
- I want to make the world turn around – Steve Miller Band
- Relax – Frankie Goes to Hollywood
And that is the list.
Miami Vice: Final Report
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on February 27, 2018
Out of all of the seasons of Miami Vice i watched, Seasons 1-3 are my favorite seasons. Seasons 4 and 5 however, are my least favorite seasons.
The only episode I enjoyed from Season 5 was Freefall. (Series Finale) The rest of the episodes from Season 4 and Season 5 were either okay, or not great at all.
Too Much, Too Late (from Season 5) is the only episode I am not going to watch again due to its content. (NBC refused to air it due to the content. And they were right about the content.)
Missing Hours from Season 4, made no sense. It wasn’t really about Miami Vice and it was more about the paranormal.. James Brown being an alien.. and that Peanut Butter dream sequence. This is where it jumped the shark for me.
The Sonny Burnett arc was okay, but there was consequences once it concluded. And Sonny Crockett wasn’t the same after that.
Overall, a good ending to a series with the series finale Freefall. And now I leave you with the words that started it all for the series and ended it with them as well.
Crockett: Hey, Tubbs. You ever consider a career in southern law enforcement?
Tubbs: Maybe. Maybe.
Miami Vice: Favorite Season So Far?
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on January 31, 2018
I would have to say Season One. It is just so awesome. Season Two was alright. Season Three, it was okay. But Season Four was not very good. I mean there are episodes that were okay but the episode that destroyed my hope for the season was the Missing Hours episode. I’m currently on Season Five. So once I finish that, I’ll give my final report on it.
Kinda like submitting a case file to the lieutenant of a police department.
Miami Vice: Favorite Episode?
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on January 31, 2018
The Pilot (Also known as Brother’s Keeper) from Season 1. I like the episode and its plot, also Crockett looks cute with short hair. This episode pretty much got me hooked on Miami Vice. Because it uses Original Music/Songs which makes the show really enjoyable.
Some other information that may be really interesting to know is that the Region 1 DVD of Miami Vice showed the episode in its entirety. For the Region 2 DVD of Miami Vice, showed the episode in two parts.
Miami Vice: Which Season Jumped the Shark?
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on January 21, 2018
Season 4. It became more of a soap opera and there was some action but not like the other seasons I have watched so far. I have yet to watch Season 5. But Crockett has longer hair now, and Tubbs has a beard. Also Crockett got married.
Miami Vice: Least Favorite Episode?
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on January 21, 2018
The episode Missing Hours from Season 4. It was weird, and too cheesy for my taste. Also this scene made no sense. I guess Season 4 is where they jumped the shark.
Miami Vice: Favorite Character?
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on January 21, 2018
My favorite character would have to be Sonny Crockett. He’s so adorable and awesome, and also kind. Also, that hair is really cool too.
TV Talk: Day 28
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on December 25, 2017
Tv show: Murder She Wrote
Aired: September 30, 1984 – May 19, 1996
About: Jessica Fletcher (Angela Lansbury) Is a mystery writer who is also a amateur detective.
Would I recommend: Yes. Its a really good show.
Other Info: It has 12 seasons and 4 TV Movies.
Bad Movie Watch: Day 30
Posted by TheDoctor in Uncategorized on December 25, 2017
Movie: Miami Vice
Year: 2006
Budget: 135 million dollars
About: James “Sonny” Crockett (Collin Farrell) and his partner Ricardo “Rico” Tubbs (Jamie Foxx) go undercover to fight a drug trafficking operation.
Review: It was actually not a bad movie. It has its cheesy moments though.
Other Info: The soundtrack was supposed to be composed by Jan Hammer but he didn’t want to be involved. So they got someone else to do it instead. There are two versions of this movie, a theatrical version and a extended cut version. The only difference is the run-time and the opening scene. In the theatrical version it just starts up in the nightclub. However in the extended cut it starts out with a opening sequence with the boats riding on the water before it switches to the nightclub scene. The theatrical version’s run time is 132 minutes while the extended cut is 140 minutes.
Extra Info: It earned 163.8 million dollars in the box office.
Additional Info: I have seen both the extended cut and the theatrical cut of the movie. If I have to pick which version is better, I would say the extended cut but only because of the addition of a opening scene. Its the only version with it since the theatrical cut starts out in the nightclub scene.
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