Bad Movie Watch: Day 20

Movie: Die Another Day

Year: 2002

Budget: 142 million dollars

About: Smuggling Diamonds, a Plot that is so thick like molasses. Did i mention that Madonna has a cameo in the movie? Well now you know.

Review: Halle Berry wears a leather jumpsuit. Puns galore. Ending is lame. Theme song is horrible. (Madonna sings the theme song)

Other Info: It made $431,971,116 million dollars at the box office.

Edit: I more fault the CGI than everything else in the movie. I mean the plot is a good idea but the CGI really killed it for me when James Bond went surfing over the CGI water.

  1. #1 by Zayna on April 5, 2014 - 4:11 pm

    Never saw the movie so I can’t comment about the plot or Halle Berry’s leather jumpsuit but I actually like the theme song.

    Wow? It really made that much?

  2. #2 by Emma on April 6, 2014 - 12:13 pm

    Yeah, and Halle Berry wearing a neon orange bikini? Gross.

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