Bad Movie Watch: Day 26

Movie: Gigli

Year: 2003

Budget: 75.6 Million Dollars

About: Gigli, Ricki and Brian go on a roadtrip and get invovled with some crazy stuff. Oh by the way, Ricki’s actual name at the end of the movie is actually Rochelle.

Review: This was very bad. Sappy Music, lazy acting. It’s like a bad romcom. And I don’t get the whole Baywatch obsession.

Other Info: Rated as the worst film ever made, making less of 10 percent of it’s budget back.

  1. #1 by Mrcrow on June 2, 2015 - 9:05 am

    Ricki Rochelle?!? omg. That was the fromagiest of fromagy endings I’ve ever seen. The storyline was bad enough…I cant believe we both actually sat through the whole thing.

    Neither Ben Affleck nor JLo should act. Ever. Again.

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